The stress hormone that the adrenal glands release is called cortisol. This hormone that your brain releases fights stressful situations that individuals encounter at a certain point or in their ordinary course of life. The scientific reason behind this enclosure points out our sympathetic nervous system, often known as the “fight or flight” system. It works in reaction to a variety of stressors and helps the body handle stressful situations.

Cortisol’s short-term release is still acceptable and helps you flee danger quickly. However, exposure to excessively high cortisol levels can have adverse health effects. These include weight gain and some chronic serious diseases.

What happens when cortisol levels are elevated?

One or more of the following may occur if one cannot reduce cortisol levels. Each result’s severity varies with the exposure duration and the target area.

Major issues that may arise include the following: 

Chronic disease: If excessive cortisol levels are associated with high blood pressure, heart disease is more likely to develop. Aside from osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes and other chronic disorders can be the result.

what is the best exercise to reduce cortisol levels

Source: Freepik

Weight gain: Cortisol may alter the body’s metabolism. In this sense, eating behavior, in general, may translate into an increased appetite. Weight growth will ultimately be the primary cause in this scenario.

Other Symptoms:

  1. Fatigue or Trouble falling asleep
  2. Concentration Difficulty
  3. Impaired Immune System
  4. Cushing Syndrome
  5. Low Energy Levels

Role of Exercise in Cortisol Reduction

To get it treated as early as possible, one needs the attention of medical specialists who have served in a similar industry for a considerable period. Based on the complexity and levels of cortisol, they can offer treatment recommendations and assist in identifying the source of elevated cortisol levels. However, if you still want to rely on getting it treated by attempting a few lifestyle changes, then fortunately, you have come to the right place.

Aerobic exercises 

Doing physical activities like walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling, which are not too fast or slow, can help lower stress hormones like cortisol. Doing these for about 30 minutes most days can make a person feel better.

ways to reduce cortisol

Source: Freepik


It is another good option. It involves doing special body movements, controlling breathing, and focusing on calming the mind. This can bring down cortisol levels and make a person feel more relaxed. Restorative yoga or gentle flowing movements are great for reducing stress.

Tai Chi 

It is an exercise that includes slow, graceful movements and deep breathing. It can also lower cortisol levels and help manage stress better.

Mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness meditation is about staying in the present moment without judging anything. Doing this regularly can decrease cortisol levels, bring a sense of calm, and make a person feel better overall. In case of adults, it is extremely important to indulge in activities that relax and calm you. For this, you can refer to 10 mindfulness activities for adults to help them enhance their well-being. 

reduce cortisol with exercise

Source: Freepik

Practice Breathing

Breathing exercises, like taking deep and slow breaths, can activate the body’s relaxation mode and reduce cortisol levels.

Muscle Relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation is when a person tightens and then relaxes different muscles. This can help with relaxation and stress reduction over time.

High-Intensity Interval Training

Lastly, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can be good, too, but it’s essential not to overdo it. When done correctly, HIIT can balance hormones and lower cortisol levels in the long run.


One of the best ways to reduce your cortisol levels is to walk. It’s simple to perform and doesn’t require any sophisticated equipment. Moreover, there is no cost involved! The secret is to regulate your gait. Moderate walking can enhance cognitive function and lower cortisol levels.

It is now evident what the best exercise to reduce cortisol levels is that can help you reduce this negative impact.

The Best Mental Exercise

Are you still unclear about what should and shouldn’t be in your daily routine? Consider the challenges that have emerged from this situation. Then, take these steps to lead a happy and healthy life. First, create a checklist with the following options:

  1. Including mindfulness-based exercise in your routine may help you reduce cortisol levels and manage stress.
  2. Resisting the urge to judge based on whatever circumstances may emerge
  3. Take an impartial view of your anxious thoughts.
  4. Increase your awareness of stressful concepts, as all these strategies lower cortisol levels. 

Now, the problematic phase of accepting without judgment and giving oneself space ends.

To Sum It Up

Stress causes the secretion of the hormone cortisol. It is proven that elevated cortisol levels lead to a harmful life.  Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce cortisol. However, a tenuous existence of responsibility allows a person to allude to physiological and psychological stressors.

In addition to consulting a healthcare provider, start assigning a value of greater importance to the best exercises to reduce cortisol since these can help lower cortisol levels naturally.

If you’re looking for a natural way to lower your cortisol levels and reduce stress in general, give the above simple lifestyle tips a try.


Kuehnle, F., Davidson, K., & Hobbs, H. (2024, January 29). 11 Simple Ways to Lower Cortisol Levels Naturally. Healthline.